Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro

The Department of Communication and Art (DeCA) has a diverse range of competencies in science and technology relating to the areas of Communication, Design, Art Studies and Music, with cross-curricular and external links, in order to provide an attractive and innovative range of courses at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels.

DeCA currently offers three degree programmes (Design, Music and NTC), five Masters programmes (Music, Music Education, Design, Contemporary Artistic Creation and Multimedia Communication) and four doctorate programmes (Music, Design, ICDP and Multimedia in Education). Many of the doctoral programmes are developed in partnership with other higher level institutions.


The University of Aveiro (UA) is a public institution whose mission is the intervention and development of graduate and postgraduate training, research and community outreach. Established in 1973, it has fast become one of the most dynamic and innovate universities in Portugal.

Attended by about 13,000 students in graduate and postgraduate programmes, UA quickly assumed a relevant role within the country’s academic landscape, offering high quality infrastructure,  outstanding academic research and an excellent teaching staff.

UA is privileged in its partnerships with companies and other national and international entities, with which it cooperates in several projects and programs and to which it renders valuable services, thus becoming a space for research where products and innovating solutions are designed, which contribute towards the advancement of science and technology.

The goals of UA include:

To create knowledge, to expand the access to knowledge on the behalf of people and society, through research, teaching and cooperation; to engage in a project of global training of the individual; to be active in the process of building a European space for research and teaching, and to be a model of regional development based on innovation and scientific and technological knowledge.

Learn more about the UA by downloading “UA Essencial”.