Flute: Hands on Research 2018 eng

28th-31st July 2018logo_hands-on

The series of FLUTE:  Hands on Research meetings intends to contribute towards the dissemination of Artistic Research, enhancing the acknowledgement of the epistemological differences between scientific research and artistic creation, declarative and procedural knowledge, and scientific validation and aesthetic appreciation.

This approach has been developed through the past three Hands on Research meetings, aiming to bridge the gap between artistic production and academic research and creating opportunities to combine performers’ and researchers’ knowledge, for mutual benefit. The first meeting took place in April 2017 and was dedicated to flute; the second, in November 2017, focused on guitar; and in January 2018, the third meeting concentrated on piano. A selection of the works presented at these meetings, which were considered to best represent Artistic Research, have been recommended for publication in ÍMPAR – Online Journal for Artistic Research http://revistas.ua.pt/index.php/impar.

Taking into consideration the experience acquired in these previous meetings, FLUTE:  Hands on Research 2018 will develop new strategies to improve the articulation between artistic production and research. A main thematic line, transversal to all submission categories – papers, lectures, lecture recitals, recitals, masterclasses, composition/flute competition – was established that places artistic relevance at the centre of the discussion. Therefore, all issues related to artistic value and aesthetic appreciation will be prioritized in the selection of submissions.  Although other topics relating to flute playing and flute repertoire – historical and modern performance practices, repertoire, pedagogy, aesthetics, ethnomusicology, history, analysis, organology and interpretation – will also be considered, authors are encouraged to relate their contributions specifically to the following questions:

  • How/When has a musical performance artistic relevance?
  • Should artistic relevance be sought through its impact on the public?
  • In ensemble performances (orchestras, bands, consorts, etc.), to whom does the authorship of artistic relevance belong? The conductor? The leader? The individual musician?
  • To what extent, if any, do highly refined skills determine our appreciation of music?

Besides the proposals that specifically address the main thematic line, proposals that centre on performance practices as research are particularly welcome. Lecture-recitals are the most natural format for these proposals.

Going beyond knowledge dissemination, FLUTE:  Hands on Research 2018 will host a joint competition for composers and flautists that will offer an opportunity to develop research during the conference: a team of researchers will be collecting and analysing data during all the competition phases, looking mainly at the aesthetic appreciation criteria of all participants (composers, performers and public).

In order to promote discussion and better synchronize the authors’ interests with the conference goals, special thematic sessions will be organized:

  • Specific sessions for each historical period
  • Specific sessions for flute repertoire from different cultures, which will be performed in live World (flute) Music presentations – Jazz; Flamenco; Irish; Tango; Chorinho brasileiro; etc.) – every evening, from 18h to 20h, in the lounge of FLUTE: Hands on Research Café Concerto.

We are still waiting for the confirmation of other guests to add to this list, but those that have already confirmed their participation in the conference include: Adriana Ferreira; Félix Renggli; Irina Stachinskaya; Camilla Hoitenga; Sibel Pensel; Jorge Caryevschi; Leonardo Winter; Marta Gonçalves; Jerica Pavli; Berten D’Hollander; Agata Igras; Rogerio Zerlloti Wolf, Nikolos Dimopoulos; Elsa Nilsson and Michele Gori.

Call for Proposals

The University of Aveiro, INET-md (Institute of Ethnomusicology, Centre for Studies in Music and Dance) in joint collaboration with APF-Associação Portuguesa de Flautas will host the FLUTE:  Hands on Research 2018, at the University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, from the 28th to the 31st of July, 2018.

English is preferable, although submissions in Portuguese and Spanish are also accepted.

Proposals should be submitted by May 20th, 2018 via the Easy Chair platform, formatted according to the nature of the proposal:

Lecture Recitals

The abstract should should contain a maximum of 350 words and address the following questions:

  • What was the research question/proposal that guided the work? 
  • What results were achieved? 
  • How is the artistic part articulated with these results?

Abstracts should also include information regarding:
(i) the duration of the presentation (maximum 35 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion);
(ii) link to a youtube video of the proposed performance (you may choose to upload your video as ‘unlisted’, ‘private viewing’ or ‘public viewing’).

In the field “other documents” in the Easy Chair platform, you should upload the following information in a single PDF:

(i) a short artistic CV of the presenter(s).
(ii) any technical requirements or materials necessary for the recital.


Communications will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion. The abstract should contain a maximum of 350 words and address the following questions:

  • What was the research problem that gave rise to the work? 
  • What was the objective designed to address this problem? 
  • Which method was used? 
  • What results have been achieved? 
  • What are the implications of these results for flute teaching and learning and/or performance?


Recitals will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes and submissions should address the following questions:

  • What is the program of the concert? 
  • What is the degree of innovation of the proposal? 
  • Why will the inclusion of this recital be pertinent to FLUTE: Hands on Research ?

The abstract should also include information regarding a recording (demo), which will be evaluated by the Artistic and Scientific Commission. This recording must be send as a link to a Youtube video of the proposed performance (you may choose to upload your video as ‘unlisted’, ‘private viewing’ or ‘public viewing’).

In the field “other documents” in the Easy Chair platform, you should upload the following information in a single PDF:
(i) a short artistic CV of the performer(s) in the field ‘other documents’ on the easychair platform;
(ii) technical requirements or materials necessary for the recital.


Panel abstracts should address the following questions:

  • What is the topic of the panel? 
  • How does each of the works involved in this panel deal with this topic? 
  • What was the research problem that gave rise to each of these works? What was the objective designed to address this problem?
  • Which method was used? 
  • What results have been achieved by each of the proposed works? 
  • What are the implications of these results for flute pedagogy and/or performance? 
  • Why is the inclusion of this panel pertinent to FLUTE: Hands on Research 2018?

In addition to the panel abstract – maximum 350 words – please send details regarding the panel participants, including their institutional affiliations, and the themes of each individual presentation and respective abstracts – maximum 200 words. The total duration of the panel, including debate, will have a maximum duration of 90 minutes.

Presentation of Projects

The organising committee does not stipulate any particular model for these abstracts, but recommends that the proposals include information regarding duration (maximum 30 minutes), context, objectives, methods and results, not exceeding 350 words. Abstracts should address the following questions:

  • What is the aim of this project? 
  • What are the expected results of this project? 
  • What are the possible implications of these results for flute pedagogy and/or performance?

Demonstration of pedagogical approaches

These demonstrations will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes. Abstracts must not exceed 350 words and should address the following questions:

  • Which pedagogical approach will be discussed? 
  • How will it be demonstrated? 
  • What is the relevance of this approach to flute teaching and performance?


Please send a detailed description and the duration of your proposed workshop. Abstracts must not exceed 350 words and should address the following questions:

  • What will be the topic of this workshop? 
  • What is the relevance of this topic to flute performance and/or teaching? 
  • What will be the practical part of this workshop? 
  • What methodology will be used to address the practical part (i.e. strategies, exercises etc.)?
  • Why is the inclusion of this workshop pertinent to FLUTE:  Hands on Research 2018?

Performative Installations

Abstracts should not exceed 350 words and should address the following questions:

  • What is the aim of this performative installation? 
  • How is this proposal innovative? 
  • Why is including this Installation pertinent to FLUTE:  Hands on Research 2018?

Please use the field ‘other documents’ on the Easy Chair platform to upload your technical/material requirements.

Joint Competition for composers and flutists

FLUTE:  Hands on Research 2018 will host a ‘two-in-one’ competition:

Prize for the best composition for Flute, solo or accompanied (any instrument(s), pre-recorded or real-time generated sounds), with a maximum duration of 7 minutes.

Prize for the best flute performance of the submitted compositions.

Submissions must be recordings of the compositions by June 15th, 2018, to deca-hands_on@ua.pt. Selected works must be played, by the same flautist who recorded the piece, at the competition concert, on the last day of the conference (July 31st).

Additional information about the competition concerning prizes and rules will be published soon in IMPAR platform: http://artisticresearch.web.ua.pt/index.php/en/

Should you have any queries (registration, travel, accommodation), please do not hesitate to contact us at deca-hands_on@ua.pt

Important Deadlines

The deadline for proposal submission is May 20th, 2018.

The acceptance of proposals, following a process of evaluation by the scientific and artistic commission, will be communicated no later than May 31st, 2018, with proposals from outside Europe being notified as quickly as possible.

The deadline for joint Competition for composers and flutists is June 15th, 2018

Past editions: Flute Hands on Research 2017