The proceedings of Performa’17 is now online:
PERFORMA’17: Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Performance
ISBN 978-972-789-583-0
PERFORMA’17 and the 5th ABRAPEM Congress – which is taking place from the 5th to the 8th of June 2017, at the Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, MG-UFSJ – is the result of the partnership between ABRAPEM and the Aveiro branch of INET-md, and it will focus on the theme of Musical Performance in Theory and in Practice: new perspectives on teaching, research and performance for the 21st century. The congress aims to stimulate discussion and debate on Musical Performance as a field of artistic and academic production, in light of the challenges which have arisen over the past decades, to promote a reflection and an exchange of knowledge about the perspectives of research and teaching Musical Performance, to collaborate in the dissemination of artistic and academic production, to create a display of the research on musical performance, and to contribute to the consolidation of research in this important sub-area. The proceedings of this international conference are organized in alphabetical order, according to the first author’s name.